Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mile High Mamas: Colorado's best sledding hills & No Child Left Behind changes

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Email not displaying correctly?
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Colorado's best sledding hills & No Child Left Behind changes

Every woman who has ever been pregnant knows her doctor is constantly monitoring her weight gain. Guest blogger Jen was tired of hearing that because she was plus-sized, she could not have a healthy pregnancy so she decided to do something about it. Don't miss My Healthy Plus-Size Pregnancy (because it IS possible) and learn about the community she has built to help moms like her.

We're in the throes of winter! Don't miss our guide to Colorado best sledding hills your family will love.

Has your smartphone or tablet ever accidently taken a bath? Bookmark this excellent post by our Tech Editor Hannah about what you can do to ensure water damage doesn't completely destroy it.

Mile High Mamas Editor Amber Johnson will be writing a monthly column, "Family Cents," in The Denver Post's new $MART section. This month, she divulges the best daily deal sites for moms and how to manage them all.

Family Events
St. Patrick's Day comes a little early this year when Lord of the Dance visits the Buell Theatre.

The Colorado Railroad Museum presents a unique take on Black History Month with Black On Track.

Music fans of all ages are invited to the Aurora Symphony's annual free children's concert.

It's not often kids get to spend an evening at a comedy club, but they'll get their turn when Conjure appears at Comedy Works South.

Fun events at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science: Your kids will be charmed by their new Lizards & Snakes exhibit.

Featured recipe: Crazy Crazy Lasagna. Is it crazy because it's so darn easy and delicious?

If you passed away tomorrow, are your legal documents in place to protect your family? For a limited time, Mamapedia is offering a deal on Legal Life Documents Personal Planning Package. It includes a last will and testament, power of attorney, living will, health care directive, estate planning worksheets and personal planning information. Cost: $29.

What are your thoughts on pregnant belly castings? A Castle Rock mom recently started a business doing it nad would love feedback.

Denver Deals
Don't miss the next FREE day at the Denver Zoo on February 16.

Like Smashburger on their facebook page to get a BOGO coupon for their SmashChicken.

The E Book not only saves you and your family money but also funds local schools. For only $10 you save tons of money and it is now available online.

February is Random Acts of Kindness Month. Do something kind for Colorado hospices by purchasing a soup in a bread bowl at any Panera Bread and Panera will donate $0.25.

Extra! Extra!

Every month, Mile High Mamas features a Q&A from Children's Hospital Colorado on a different health topic. This month, we asked how to help our kids (and maybe even ourselves) conquer the common fear of shots. Get tips to make needles less scary.

Colorado is among the first set of 10 states to receive some flexibility from the requirements of No Child Left Behind, White House officials confirmed last week. Read what locals are saying about it.

Decaying statistics prompt a renewed dental-health push by Colorado and private officials. Find out low-cost options for dental care.

Some Arvada Girl Scouts decided to bust a stereotype to earn their "Speak Out" badge. Find out the huge difference they're making in proving that kids can be nice to each other and combat bullying.

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