Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Post News: Colorado scaling back Medicaid after drastically underestimating numbers, cost

Today's Front Page News

Colorado scaling back Medicaid after drastically underestimating numbers, cost
Two years after lawmakers expanded Medicaid to cover poor adults without children, the state is vastly scaling back the program because the number of people eligible for coverage is nearly three times as high as first projected and the cost of insuring them is almost nine times original estimates.  

Today's Local Politics

Colorado scaling back Medicaid after drastically underestimating numbers, cost
Two years after lawmakers expanded Medicaid to cover poor adults without children, the state is vastly scaling back the program because the number of people eligible for coverage is nearly three times as high as first projected and the cost of insuring them is almost nine times original estimates.  

Today's Business

Colo. legislators urge NASA to speed work on Orion craft
Recent crashes of Russian rockets have prompted members of the Colorado congressional delegation to urge NASA to speed completion of the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle — called Orion MPCV — being built by Lockheed Martin.  

Today's Sports Headlines

Rockies no match for high-flying Diamondbacks
The Diamondbacks continued stalking a National League West title Tuesday night, playing with the fervor of kids trying to earn their high school letter in a 9-4 win at Chase Field.  

Today's Entertainment

Movie review: Actors' priceless performances make "The Debt" worth the effort

"The Debt" is the first movie in which Hollywood "It" actor Sam Worthington shows us what all the fuss was about pre-"Terminator," pre-"Avatar" and pre-"Clash of the Titans."  

Today's Style

A sandwich made up of layers of memories
As cooks — and as people — we are composites of everyone who has ever influenced us. Every time I put a pinch of salt on my strawberries, I think of my grandmother, who taught me this little trick (a three-pack-a-day smoker with almost completely desensitized taste buds, she even salted her coffee).  

Today's Opinion

In education, money isn't all
The amount of funding available for K-12 education in Colorado has led to considerable debate. The Lobato case being heard before the state Supreme Court challenges the constitutionality of our school finance system, and Proposition 103 is a ballot initiative for raising additional state revenues for public schools. If either of these efforts is successful, hundreds of millions of dollars in additional revenues will flow to K-12 education. But if Colorado significantly increases funding for schools, can it reasonably expect dramatically better results?  

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