Thursday, September 15, 2011

Post Columnists: GOP's circular firing squad

Today's Most Recent Columnist

Mike Littwin: GOP's circular firing squad
If you trust history — which, note to Rick Perry, is a school subject sort of like science, except with less math — Barack Obama is in deep trouble. Or, as the original George Bush would put it, deep doo-doo.  

Tina Griego - Metro

Griego: Daughter, Kenia Monge, was too young to need a final resting place
Kenia Monge was missing five months and seven days when the district attorney's office called her father to say they had found her body. Tony Lee is actually Kenia's stepfather, but the two of them never made that distinction.  

Mike Littwin - Opinion

Mike Littwin: GOP's circular firing squad
If you trust history — which, note to Rick Perry, is a school subject sort of like science, except with less math — Barack Obama is in deep trouble. Or, as the original George Bush would put it, deep doo-doo.  

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