Friday, April 27, 2012

Entertainment headlines from The Denver Post

Today's Entertainment and Lifestyle Headlines

Summer movies: A preview of what you should — or shouldn't — be watching in the Denver area
Over the next four months, more than 100 movies are headed to local screens. If that doesn't make your head spin, then you might want to audition for one of those superhero roles that studios stake their tent-pole ambitions on. This doesn't even count the 10 films opening today.  

Today's Celebrity Buzz

People: Chris Brown's new rap: "Buy my pit-bull puppies"?

  • A-Rod praises Cameron Diaz
  • Streisand celebrates 70th

    Moms - Parenting

    Healthy summer camps for kids
    When I went to summer camp, one of my clearest memories is of the colorful lumps of mashed potatoes: blue, purple, you name it. The bustling mess hall at Camp Pendalouan in Western Michigan was not known for its food. As kids away from home, we didn't care. We cared more about how not to freeze  

    Today's Movies

    Summer movies: A preview of what you should — or shouldn't — be watching in the Denver area
    Over the next four months, more than 100 movies are headed to local screens. If that doesn't make your head spin, then you might want to audition for one of those superhero roles that studios stake their tent-pole ambitions on. This doesn't even count the 10 films opening today.  

    Music - Classical

    Opera takes off in Fort Collins at Arias at Avos
    Opera doesn't have to be intimidating--even beer drinkers can love it. At least that's the idea behind Arias at Avos, a monthly opera performance at the popular Fort Collins bar and restaurant, Avogadro's Number.  


    Why So Serious, Amy Schumer?
    Comedian Amy Schumer isn't your mother's stand-up -- although if your mother has a stand-up, that's really weird. Why does your mother have a stand-up? Tell her she should share with everyone else.


    Today's Style

    New relationship is tested by a dance (4/27/2012)
    Dear Amy: I've been dating a guy for more than two months. We have been seeing each other exclusively. We both agreed to this. Last week he told me that he had forgotten something — but before we started seeing each other he had made a prior commitment to go to a spring dance with another woman.  

    Television - Joanne Ostrow

    Sheriff Sullivan speaks: CBS4 will air confession videotapes
    CBS4 has a hot one to kick off the May sweeps: Pat Sullivan in his own words.Brian Maass got his hands on three hours' worth of tapes from the interview with former Arapahoe Sheriff Pat  


    "Big Heart" and "Date" prove love is for amateurs
    Two fine works currently on Denver stages suggest that love is an undertaking for amateurs: The Aurora Fox's "Amateur Night at the Big Heart" and Off-Center's "Date."  

    Society - Joanne Davidson

    Davidson: Denver designer Stephanie Ohnmacht looks to sew it up at Frock Out designers showcase
    Only time will tell if Stephanie Ohnmacht will score a Frock Out three-peat. For now, the Denver designer who won the grand prize in 2007 is busting her buttons because she sewed it up again in 2012.  

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